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By Suzanne J. Roragen

In Unconditional, Suzanne J. Roragen shares her journey of parenting her rebellious teenage son—and how she fought to save him from self-destruction.

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“Unconditional brings a deeper and more personal meaning to the definition of love that parents imagine giving their children when they are born. How we feel when our children are small can be tested in many ways as they get older. Through Suzanne's journey, readers see how faith and a desire to respond to God's whispers bring one family through the struggles of life and back into the shelter of God's unconditional love.”
– Terry McDermid, writer, parent, pastor 


"Unconditional is a compelling read about the struggles and successes of raising a teen within a dynamic family environment. Every parent who has endured trying times will relate to Suzanne’s beautifully written book.”
– Judy Fedder, lieutenant general (USAF-retired) 


“Unconditional is a must-read for all parents navigating today’s chaotic cultural climate. Suzanne’s memoir encourages mothers to avoid her mistakes and take back the reins to boldly step into raising children whose moral compass is shaped by Godly principles that make them and society better.”
– Jon Gordon – fifteen-time bestselling author

About Suzanne

There is nothing more important to a parent than the life of their child. The story of their child is more than personal—it’s a walk with God, releasing to Him what was always His in the first place.

Joy! That is what the J. stands for. I only began using my ‘middle initial that could’ with the writing of Unconditional. After you read my book, or perhaps you already have (Kudos to you! Thank you!) you will see that the joy was sapped from my life for a whole lotta years. God intervened in a big way. Like any good father, He corrected me in a stern way and thoroughly commanded my attention. It’s all in the book, the various subtle clues and helping hands God presented and I turned down.

Fun and adventure feed my soul; and you will have fun reading how I grew up in Texas, moved around time and time again and then married a military man who offered more of the same! I happily surrendered my career girl world for the role of mom who never stayed at home, but instead soaked up all the opportunities to pack up her son and travel! Italy, Spain, Austria, Palau! In between all the uprooting and digging in, I dug deep into my love of writing and eventually birthed this book about me and my son. There is nothing more important to a parent than the life of their child. The story of their child is more than personal—it’s a walk with God, releasing to Him what was always His in the first place. The second chapter of my life is all in the pages of Unconditional. Why on earth would you want to read about a total stranger and the foibles of her life? Trust me—and you can—this project is a labor of love into which I poured my heart and soul. I hope you will relate to the stories and that the words I care so much about will shape you a tiny bit, too. This is an edge of your seat page-turner about letting go. Join me in my journey about how I got my ‘J’ back and click some of the buttons on my webpage to let me know about you and your stories!

“Unconditional is a must-read for all parents navigating today’s chaotic cultural climate. Suzanne’s memoir encourages mothers to avoid her mistakes and take back the reins to boldly step into raising children whose moral compass is shaped by Godly principles that make them and society better.”
~ Jon Gordon, fifteen-time bestselling author



I am on a train enroute from the UK to Edinburgh for a few days.  I just finished your book.  I am in tears from relief, emotion, and am in awe of you.  Powerful—the adjective I used in my email—is really inadequate to describe your story telling.  You have shared something personal and important in a way that was gripping from page to page.  Congratulations…and thank you…for authoring Unconditional.


I finished your book and thoroughly enjoyed it.  Bravo on your first publication!! Very impressed that you were so open and honest telling your story of the successes and struggles of raising a son…AND the emotional turmoil you were enduring while Nick was at Clemson. 

Your love and faith went full circle.  As parents you set a solid foundation for Nick and he heard Gods whisper and chose to follow HIS path.  What a beautiful story and yours has a happy ending.


I finished your book last night! Oh my goodness no wonder you never slept! Your gift of writing is amazing! My heart just fell out, knowing all the torment you endured. Just so beyond thankful for your son’s recovery and his allowing Jesus in. 


This project is a labor of love into which I figuratively poured my heart and soul. Join me in my harrowing journey and click some of the buttons on my webpage to let me know about you and your stories!

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